Making a difference in Pacific Islands through sport
Join Team Parker and help make a difference
The Team Parker Promise
Every purchase of Official Team Parker merchandise results in an item of sporting equipment being donated to a school, club or community group in the Pacific Islands (starting with Samoa).
Buy one. Give one
About Team Parker
At only 26 years old Joseph Parker is one of the elite heavyweight boxers in the world and a former World Champion.
Josephs profile and success on the world stage, combined with his deep connection to his Samoan Heritage has left Joseph keen to give back to the communities of Samoa and in time the broader Pacific Islands.
Official TeamParker merchandise is available for purchase through this website or Rebel Sports Stores nationwide.
Every 3 months the total number of items purchased will result in the delivery of that many items of sports equipment to Schools, Clubs and Community groups in the Pacific Islands. Initial efforts will be focused on Samoa and expand from there as and when TeamParker grows.
Team Parker is proud to have as a key supporter and for
to have chosen TeamParker as their exclusive Pacific Island Islands partner.
Is Team Parker a Charity?
Team Parker will NOT be a charity but instead run as a social enterprise with a stated purpose of:
Providing sporting equipment and support to youth in the Pacific Islands to make the benefits of sport more accessible
And in bringing this purpose to life committing to the following promise:
Every purchase of Official Team Parker merchandise results in an item of sports equipment being donated to a school, sports club or community group in the Pacific Islands (starting with Samoa).
Team Parker efforts and partnerships will exist to sustainably deliver on the purpose of Team Parker.
Joseph has asked his Business advisors PwC, to provide confirmation every 6 months that for every piece of Team Parker Merchandise purchased that an item of sporting equipment has been delivered to a school, club or community organisation in the Pacific Islands.
Who is Pass it Forward?
Pass It Forward operates its own “buy one give one” model specifically around balls in Rebel Sports Stores around NZ.
From time to time Pass It Forward donates some of its balls to the Pacific Islands. We are proud that this will be done exclusively via the Team Parker Initiative.
These extra balls donated from Pass It Forward are on top of the "Buy one. Give One." driven through the sale of Team Parker merchandise.
Join Team Parker
By signing up to Team Parker we will keep you in the loop with all new merchandise and updates.